Travis Booms bands a gyrfalcon nestling on a sketchy nest ledge.
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

*Best of Show The Wildlife Society Mission at The Wildlife Society 2006 National Conference, Anchorage, Alaska

*Cover Photo - Spring 2007 (First) Edition of The Wildlife Professional, by The Wildlife Society

Travis Booms bands a cooperative gyrfalcon puppy.
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

Travis Booms prepares to swab a golden eagle's butt for H5N1.
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

*Second Place Human Dimensions of Wildlife at The Wildlife Society 2006 National Conference, Anchorage, Alaska

Gyrs on the Radio
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

"2-Hotel-Hotel" Co-Pilot Navigator
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

Conservation at Work
Central Wisconsin

Midnight Sun atop a Volcano
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

My home for three consecutive summers on the Alaskan tundra.
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

11 hours in a blind, watching nesting gyrfalcons from the top of a volcano.
Best job ever.
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska

Being a body anchor while Travis Booms bands gyrfalcon nestlings.
Yukon Delta NWR, Alaska